519-735-6645    11811 Tecumseh Rd. East. Windsor    info@windsorbodysculpting.com

Botox® – Windsor Medical Spa


BOTOX® is made from a purified botulinum toxin. It works by limiting the movement of the treated facial muscles.

BOTOX® is a customizable treatment. We will ask you what your areas of concern are and how much or how little movement you would like to have. You can still have movement in the treated area with Botox, if that is the look you desire. The more Botox injected the less movement you will have.

If you’ve never tried BOTOX® before, we will start you out conservatively, you can always add more. It can take up to 2 weeks for your Botox to take full effect. What you will notice is less and less movement each day. Rarely do you bruise with Botox, but anytime you are entering the skin with a needle it can happen and it’s very hard to predict.

The Most Commonly treated areas with Botox are the following:

  • The lines around the eyes known as Crow’s feet, caused by repeated squinting or smiling.
  • The horizontal lines across the forehead caused by raising the eyebrows.
  • The Frown lines & folding of the skin between the eyebrows, often referred to as “the 11”.
  • The lines on the sides of the nose called “Bunny Lines”.

What does the treatment involve?

While there is no real downtime associated with this treatment, it is important to note that you may encounter some slight bruising and swelling directly after treatment, due to the needle. This can easily be masked by makeup. There are no long-term side effects of having wrinkle injections, meaning patients can resume their usual activities straight away, and can also fly post-treatment.